Players on servers

Discussione in "Archivio di tutto il resto" iniziata da Knife, il 4 maggio 2014.

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What better?

  1. Italia

  2. Italia 2

  3. Italia3

È ammesso più di un voto.
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  1. Knife

    Knife User

    How many players are playing on Italian 1,2,3 servers?
    And what srever is better?
  2. Raider89

    Raider89 User

  3. =BENJA=

    =BENJA= User

    i'm not sure, but i think that you'll find more player in ita3, which is the newest server and new players, when they start to play will join automatically ita3...
  4. Well, there aren't a lot of people on our servers. The server with most players is Italia, but it still isn't as populated as the german servers, per example. On Italia 3 there are still coming new people because they join here automatically, but Italia is much populated. Since Italia is the older one, 99% of people playing here are full élite, it's really rare to see a newbie on this server.
  5. Raider89

    Raider89 User

    In questo forum non si dovrebbe parlare in italiano?
  6. Infatti al 90% verrete sanzionati
  7. -~Morgana~-

    -~Morgana~- Guest

    Buongiorno, :)
    vi ricordo che questo è un forum italiano e che non è una sezione in cui sono consentiti i sondaggi.
  8. Salve,

    Provvedo ad archiviare come da Regolamento.
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