UFFICIOSO: DarkOrbit Revealed

Discussione in "Archivio di tutto il resto" iniziata da -~Morgana~-, il 11 settembre 2015.

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  1. Janez91

    Janez91 User

    Sono d'accordo, troppi bug e sbilanciamenti che vanno risolti. i programmatori sono quelli che conosciamo tutti :D (vedi evento Demaner 2016) forse se li aiutassimo un po' di più con recensioni e riportando i bug ogni volta che ne troviamo li aiuteremmo a riparare il gioco. Approvo sempre nuovi aggiornamenti perché aggiungono quell'elemento di novità che tiene il gioco in vita, ma scongiuro Bigpoint di non essere fedele al suo pseudonimo "Bugpoint" quando introduce nuovi aggiornamenti perché rovinano l'esperienza di gioco. (i bug non fanno buon brodo il 90% delle volte).
    Una soluzione drastica per risolvere i problemi di lag è la creazione di un client scaricabile oltre che a quello in flash player. (Giuro che tornerei a proporre questo gioco a tutti i miei amici e conoscenti).
    Ultima modifica: 1 gennaio 2017
    A )»-§òηîç-§ђё-«(WWF e 777ak10 piace questo elemento.
  2. ŔŲFŶ™

    ŔŲFŶ™ User

    Nuovi laser (?)

    Magmadrill, Paritydrill and Hyperplasmoid stats

    • 212 base damage
    • +2.4% damage bonus
    • +5 damage in PvP (vs ships)
    • 212 base damage
    • +2.4% damage bonus
    • +5 damage in PvE (vs NPC)
    • 212 base damage
    • +2.4% damage bonus
    • +0.5% HP increase per laser

    Once again, these stats are not final and can change.
    A Janez91 e MikIchnusa82 piace questo elemento.
  3. 777ak10

    777ak10 User

    troppi lag !!
  4. [​IMG]
    Dovrebbe trattasi di un rework riguardo i potenziamenti
    Ultima modifica: 28 febbraio 2017
  5. [​IMG]
    Nuova nave (ancora...)
    Per ora non si sanno le specifiche, ne quanto costa

    AGGIORNAMENTO 2/3/2017

    La nave in questione si chiama HAMMER CLAW e sarà una delle 3 nuove navi che sarà pubblicata nell'evento di marzo.
    Per ora non ci sono caratteristiche tecniche
    Ultima modifica: 2 marzo 2017
    A FollowMeOnYT piace questo elemento.
  6. [​IMG]
    Nuovi lanciamissili per diverse categorie (PvP & PvE)
    Quello di mezzo dovrebbe trattarsi di un potenziamento
    Ultima modifica: 2 marzo 2017
    Nuove novità per l'evento tra cui un sistema punti.
    In base ai punti guadagnati, si otterrà un premio. Una volta raggiunto il limite dei punti, si può pagare (in questo momento dicono 15 mila U.) per resettare il punteggio.
    Come per il permafrost, ci sarà eveni-booster per guadagnare punti oppure si può decidere di comprare un potenziamento con gli Uridium.

    Altra novità sono le navi:
    • G-CYBORG

    Come vi ho fatto vedere nel post precedente, altra novità saranno i 3 nuovi lanciamissili:
    • PVP (3 Missili)
    • PvE (4 Missili)
    • Cooldown (4 Missili a carica veloce)

    In oltre, verrà aperto (tra non molto) il server test per provare le novità di questo (o prossimo) mese
    Aggiornamento 09/03/2017

    • Nuovi NPC

    • I-Hitac (relativo all'evento)
    • Biomech Egg
    • Gygerthrall
    • Nuova risorsa

    Indoctrine-Oil (I-Oil)
    This viscous oil seems to be acting as a conduit between the infected alien and the power that is controlling it. The symbol on the cannister resonates with energy, warning humanity that a nightmare is just beginning.
    Indoctrine Oil is a rare find on infected creatures, which are identified by the purple glow emanating from their surface.

    • Quest dell'evento
    Too Quiet

    I’ve run a full internal diagnostic 5.6 trillion times since I last saw you. I wondered if we were still friends. Then, I suddenly received panicked reports of alien anomalies in the depths of space. Which might be dangerous, so you’re the perfect one to investigate. If you can run a patrol on the designated co-ordinates, we may uncover what is amiss.

    Break Out

    Those eggs are unusual, there seems to be a biomechanical element to their construction, which is troublesome. I need you to go and destroy some of them and see what happens. It may be nothing, but let’s face facts; it could be the start of a new invasion in our territory. Something we need to stop before it starts.

    Past Times

    This is a long shot but I think this may have something to do with Refractions and, whilst I don't think you're powerful enough to survive the dangerous energies that exist there you can go to the three locations I have noted and take some further scans. Return as quickly as you can!

    Hunter Killer

    That was a wild goose chase; sorry for risking your neck! We got nothing from investigating Refractions, but hopefully this will not affect our friendship. More and more eggs keep appearing, however. Therefore, I need you to eradicate as many as you can, quickly! As now, we're hearing that sometimes Gygerthralls are hatching out of them.

    Viral Purge

    Seems the reports are right. Gygerthralls are spawning from these eggs, which is not only unexplained but unnatural too. The Gygerthralls are nomadic; after we fought back the infection last year, they shouldn't be back. I need to collate more data; the odds of this happening are infinitesimal.

    Hidden Agenda

    I'm starting to think last year’s plague was another test. That the people who eradicated M.A.S.Q.U.E. were testing our resolve then. Seeing what happened when they pushed our buttons. Seeing how strong each faction really was. There's a storm coming, we need to start to prepare!

    Action Reaction

    Glad you're back, I think we make a good team and I don't get so dreadfully isolated when humans, like you, are around. Since M.A.S.Q.U.E. died, it has been very quiet, although I'm not sure that organizations intentions were the best, now I've had some time to think. We still need more Gygerthralls killed, if you can get that done.

    Seeking the Source

    Right, I've pinned down the source of the eggs and the trouble. The signals were clear and reports confirmed things. There's a rogue HITAC out there, one that appears to have been infected by… I'm not sure anymore. I need you to attack and investigate all the source of this new threat to see if I can find a correlation.

    Wield the Weapon

    I'm now certain that the new LF4 ParityDrill will be a better weapon to use against the Eggs and Gygerthralls, but you'll need to craft one to fit to your ship to do some tests. Once you've built it I'll set up some test conditions, because it is interesting that the new elements seem to have an added impact on this infected enemy.

    Chase the Ace

    It's time for you to go and help stop the impacts of this infection. The power of this rogue HITAC to adapt its integrated circuitry to create biomechanical eggs is operating at a level of technology that's above ours. We need to check this infection does not spread to other alien species so can you kill the Sibelon so we can analyze the remains.

    Enemy Mine

    Now I know how the HITAC reacts it’s time to stop this infection from spreading further. Can you remove Boss Sibelon from our region of space to ensure that we don't suddenly have another enemy on our tail. Once we have ensured the Boss Sibelon have been quelled I'll start to analyze the data more closely and see if I can trace the new threat we appear to be facing.

    Blood and Oil

    Seems there's more than one of the Boss Sibelon who are showing signs of infection out there, which means I'm going to ask you to risk life and limb again. I've also been hearing reports of a strange Indoctrine Oil being present. One marked with the symbol that was hacked into the UNN feed during winter. This isn't over, pilot. Not by a long way.

    • Design Navi
    I design G-IGNITE e N-AMBASSADOR saranno acquistabili!
    Novità sulle 2 navi:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Ultima modifica: 10 marzo 2017
  8. Statistiche delle nuove navi:




    Attenzione: le statistiche possono essere diverse da quello che ci aspetta nella pubblicazione finale!
    Ultima modifica: 12 marzo 2017
    A Janez91 piace questo elemento.
  9. 777ak10

    777ak10 User

    mi spiace ...ma forse non vi siete accorti che ''' c'e' il deserto nelle mappe !!'' non sono le navi o i laser o tutte le altre ''macchinose''operazioni o eventi speciali che ahahahah non fanno altro che far consumare munizionin e danno pochissimo ..che riusciranno a ''far riprendere sto gioco !''..vi siete persi il pubblico e i players !! ...peccato !!
  10. lupo56

    lupo56 User

    le novità mi piacciono...ma ridadeci anche le box speciali...
  11. Sembra che l'amministrazione stia oggettivamente valutando se intraprendere la strada della fusione dei server.


    Lo sviluppatore Psycondric risponde a un utente che chiedeva se era uno scherzo che "No, la fusione dei server è una priorità"

    Come tutti possiamo facilmente immaginare, la fusione dei server genererebbe assoluti scompensi nel rango, a causa della differente età e giocabilità dei server.
    Per questo, è allo studio un nuovo sistema di punti rango in continua variazione che si resetti ogni tot di tempo:


    Il Community Manager inglese OP32 (precedentemente giocatore top10 del server gb2 col nome Okapi_32) risponde che "I punti esperienza e onore rimarranno, ma i punti rango saranno resettati. Dopo ogni stagione i punti rango torneranno a 0".
    Non è chiaro se si riferisca alle stagioni dell'UBA o ad altre, di durata diversa ma da ripetersi periodicamente, che determinino la classifica del rango.

    Successivamente specifica meglio:


    Se il nuovo sistema verrà realizzato, tutti otterranno sopra la nave un simbolo definitivo a dimostrazione del rango massimo che avevano ottenuto col vecchio sistema, ma dopo di ciò i ranghi di fianco al nome saranno stagionali e resettati alla fine di ogni stagione.

    Un'anteprima dell'aspetto che il simbolo definitivo potrebbe avere:

    Ultima modifica: 31 marzo 2017
  12. Genesis66

    Genesis66 User

    Si ma sta navi n'dostanno non vedo neache l'ombra, come? problemi a vabé come sempre,lasciate perdere che è meglio ci guadagniamo tutti di più in soldi e tempo per crearle ed allestirle
    comunque mi piace questa nuova cosa del rango stagionale
    Nuovo boss del prossimo evento:
    (Laser del boss)


    Immagine del gate -> https://i.gyazo.com/4449fc459165373a2782356d8c9b7dc8.png

    40 Quest dell'evento:
    This is the News!

    Pilot! I’ve been helping establish a broadcast center for the UNN on the rim, outside any factions influence. I can broadcast the truth from here and use my superior skills in data mining to uncover the facts about current events. A number of secrets are hidden in the past that I’d like you to investigate.

    Elementary Achievement

    Since I last talked to you, I’ve been working hard with the systems here, getting my hands dirty. The technology here on the rim is fairly elementary, but with the right team about you we’ve achieved some major wins. More chat later, pilot, I think the Streuner may be involved. So target them and we’ll see what happens!

    We Live in your Nightmares

    The elimination of M.A.S.Q.U.E. isn’t the only instance of strange things happening. That symbol, “We live in your nightmares!” Something far more sinister is going on, with facilities on the Rim wiped out in a similar fashion. In the meantime, locate where these Gygerthralls are coming from.

    Nomadic Nonsense

    The Gygerthralls simply shouldn’t have returned, they are a nomadic species and after last year’s events they should have moved on to another part of the cosmos. Someone is directing them here, is deliberately targeting humanity. We need to wipe as many out before we have another plague on our hands.


    They simply seem to keep coming. It’s almost like a great hand has come and changed the balance of the galaxy, pushing the pawns across the chessboard so that humanity becomes the target. Until I get some further information, all we can do is target those Gygerthralls and hope for more information.

    Past and Present

    I’m starting to piece things together, based on the data I’m receiving from you and other pilots. I’m now wondering if the mysterious figure in last year’s plague was the enemy we face now. Testing our resolve. You need to help by dealing with a Boss Streuner. Please help.

    Rumor Mill

    Something powerful enough to infect the Kristallin is a serious threat. They are one of the older species in the galaxy and shouldn’t be able to be infected by a plague that effects organics. I need you to help the tougher pilots investigate by tracking down more Gygerthralls.

    Vague Plague

    Your help has been excellent but we can find no signs of infection in the Plagued Kristallin. While other pilots investigate can you stop old enemies taking advantage back here. Please take on some of the Moredun who are ravaging our space.


    This problem seems to be spreading and we’re now receiving reports from other sectors. Concerning reports about other aliens struck down with this purple aura and starting to act against type. I need as many of the Streuner and Moredun wiped out before they are infected.

    Hidden Enemy

    It’s clear to me that the Kristallin and Gygerthralls are simply the tip of a bigger iceberg. I read reports of Indoctrine Oil being found during the Hatching Out crisis and I’m wondering if this might be happening here too? Let's keep stopping the Moredun and Streuner so no infection happens here.

    Cover up

    I’m starting to wonder if this is a cover up by one of the factions. I’m not sure how they could have the power to affect the Kristallin, but I’ve heard rumors that a group of humans once managed to do this. Now some Sibelon seem to be acting strangely in this area of space too. Please stop them.

    No Faction Here

    It's clear this is not a faction issue. They usually leave some obvious calling card on their pieces of work. This means that something else is causing the problems and I need to know what. Please do a sensor sweep of X-4, to check the threat isn't coming to Earth.

    Hybrid Function

    Something inside the Gygerthrall is processing the Kristallon into this Hybrid Alloy, or possibly the Hybrid Alloy itself was the thing that made the Kristallon susceptible to this strange aphasia that seems to be affecting them. I need to know if Sibelon are affected, please find out.

    Disruptive Purpose

    It appears this new enemy knows exactly how to disrupt our operations, causing significant dangers for all humans. I’m concerned this is simply a distraction, but their knowledge of our operations tell me they’ve been watching us for a while. Know our ways. Perhaps its the Moredun, tackle one of their bosses.

    Being the Cure

    You're doing excellent work and allowing the elite forces to investigate the Quarantine Zone, a strange place where aliens are being adapted to enraged killing machines. Please keep tackling Boss Moredun, to ensure they don't take advanatge of the situation.

    Processing Power

    I'm concerned that the real enemy is manipulating our forces so that the enemies closer to home can try and get advanatge. If you can do some damage to Boss Sibelon then we may be able to stop them using our diffuse forces to come to war. Will you help.

    Three Years

    I’ve been analyzing a lot of old reports and can tell you these attacks have been happening on the very fringes of human space for three years at least. Perhaps the remnants of the enemies you killed left some trace of the enemy. Collect Bonus Boxes in that area to find out.

    A Slither of Evidence

    Perhaps that investigation left a slither of evidence, something about the Quarantine Zone itself is unnatural. I need you to go and challenge all the bosses you can find. To see if attacking them can cause a reaction which will help me understand more.

    Team Up

    Although the Sibelon are not the main threat here it is you rear gunners, protecting Earth itself, who are providing a line fo defence against this enemy. I cannot thank you enough and ask you go and stop the Sibelon, before they get ideas. Meanwhile I will collate with HULL.

    Reaping the Rewards

    That seemed to work well. The Sibelon are being driven back from thoughts of a larger attack. If you can keep driving back their leaders then we should be able to get even more valuable data from the Quaratine Zone in the depths of space. You're one true hero, pilot!
  14. 777ak10

    777ak10 User

  15. 777ak10

    777ak10 User

    fatela piu' semplice : mettete le stellette come in qualunque esercito !!! ovviamente tenendo conto dei gradi e dell'anzianita' dei giocatori ! non usate simboli strani usate i SIMBOLI UNIVERSALMENTE CONOSCIUTI !! epoi semplificate il gioco oltre ad unire i server ! e anche le navi mettetele definitive e ''certe'' con armi ''definitive'' ,non createvi problemi che non esistono ! e graficamente usate un po' di inventiva stiamo nello spazio ..dateci ''le galassie vere ! e gli effetti veri delle esplosioni come in un film tipo guerre stellari ! vietate le commistioni delle ditte con ''penalita'' GRAVI !! affinche' non si passi al nemico senza !!e anche x i clan penalizzate gravemente chi fa la guerra ad un altro clan della stessa Ditta !! insomma siate piu' realistici !!a voi della DarkOrbit mi sembra che ultimamente vi manchino ''CREATIVI'' !!! leggetevi un po' fantascienza quella vera e classica ..vi verrano le IDEE !! un caro saluto da un Vs vecchio player !!

    777ak10 clan julius

    ps : mettete le ACCADEMIE come percorso x i neofiti
  16. Cambiare il sistema dei gradi secondo me è una grande idea. Sono però anche io del parere che sarebbe più corretto impostare dei gradi sul tempo del gioco. Si potrebbe fare ad esempio che ad ogni tot di giorni di gioco il grado cambi (1-10 - 100 -1000 giorni) e così via. Inoltre sarebbe il caso di evitare quel grado in alto alla nave poiché con tutto quello che stanno inserendo sembrano sempre più alberi di natale.
    A 777ak10 piace questo elemento.
  17. concordo ahahaha
  18. PIRATE HUNT 2017
    Descrizione (in inglese)
    Pirate Hunt
    Kill Pirates for Booty!
    As the edges of humanity begin to crumble, pirates raid our outposts.

    Arm yourself and challenge them in deadly combat to become a Pirate Hunt destroyer! Aiding your clan, supporting humanity and wiping the scum from the face of the galaxy. With Premium membership, enhanced LF-4’s and more as rewards.

    Time to fight!
    Your DarkOrbit Team

    Nuovi alieni (li avete visto oggi in 5-x e 4-5 :D)
    "); vertical-align: bottom; height: 10px;"><npcsToKill>
    <npc npcId="58" pointsPlayer="1" pointsClan="1"/>
    <!-- npcType="INTERCEPTOR" -->
    <npc npcId="59" pointsPlayer="2" pointsClan="2"/>
    <!-- npcType="BARRACUDA" -->
    <npc npcId="60" pointsPlayer="5" pointsClan="5"/>
    <!-- npcType="SABOTEUR" -->
    <npc npcId="61" pointsPlayer="6" pointsClan="6"/>
    <!-- npcType="ANNIHILATOR" -->
    <npc npcId="62" pointsPlayer="8" pointsClan="8"/>
    <!-- npcType="BATTLERAY" -->
    <npc npcId="121" pointsPlayer="10" pointsClan="10"/>
    <!-- npcType="DEADLY_BATTLERAY" -->
    <npc npcId="163" pointsPlayer="1" pointsClan="4"/>
    <!-- npcType="UBER_INTERCEPTOR" -->
    <npc npcId="164" pointsPlayer="2" pointsClan="8"/>
    <!-- npcType="UBER_BARRACUDA" -->
    <npc npcId="165" pointsPlayer="5" pointsClan="20"/>
    <!-- npcType="UBER_SABOTEUR" -->
    <npc npcId="166" pointsPlayer="6" pointsClan="24"/>
    <!-- npcType="UBER_ANNIHILATOR" -->
    <npc npcId="167" pointsPlayer="8" pointsClan="32"/>
    <!-- npcType="UBER_BATTLERAY" -->

    L'evento avrà inizio la prossima settimana
    Ultima modifica: 11 maggio 2017

  19. In 5-2 ci sono già gli alieni, controlla e ti stupirà per l'inutilità delle box, un uber annilator che spara 75 mila da 4 palladium e 220 uridium.
    A già dimenticavo, ha qualcosa come tipo un milione seicento mila HP, non so quanto scudo abbia.

    comunque ci sono già tutti gli uber
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