Chief Colonel And War On Vru [TerrorIta2]

Discussione in "Archivio di tutto il resto" iniziata da •—»•βŁΔĈĶ•ΘŲ†•«—•™, il 27 marzo 2014.

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    Server: ita 2

    Hello, I'm back with Two stars, new company and with my gaming company! I was not expecting to do this video now because the entire company has put me vru war Tuesday night so I played with the individual upgrades. We were a few players against many players but we were able to engage and show how to play. Thank you all for watching, see you soon;)


    1 - Arrival to Earth - Steve Jablonsky
    2 - Skillet - Whispers in the Dark
    3 - Invincible (Original Mix)