Connection Lost

Discussione in "Archivio di tutto il resto" iniziata da VenomVSaegiS, il 29 gennaio 2018.

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  1. The Game is unfair .
    The Game Knows important moments and connection lost every important time
    we BORED to this unfairity
    29.01.2018 - 18:33[​IMG]Astronave riparata.
    29.01.2018 - 18:32[​IMG]Sei stato annientato da un'astronave aliena del tipo UberProtegit.
    Give my chance back . i spend 1 week for enter , if u wont Give Close that game .
    Darkorbit is Gonna Die . İm really sorry about my eyes seen empty and worst d.o ever
    Ultima modifica: 29 gennaio 2018
  2. •RydenBlake•

    •RydenBlake• Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hi VenomVSaegiS,
    I am afraid we can only help you in Italian, therefore we ask you kindly to contact your language support through the following form:
    EN Support

    Have a nice day! :)
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