Discussione in "Archivio di tutto il resto" iniziata da Mateus_HeLL_Guitar, il 17 dicembre 2013.

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Tu e per questo miglioramento SPEARHEAD ?

  1. 57,1%
  2. forse

  3. non

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  1. Well, my idea and improve SPEARHEAD because I have found very expensive and few advantages, nature Augmenting Points of nature lives to 180, and 7 Lasers, I believe that riders with levels above 14 and who has a good nature will not vote

    Dear pilots, I said'' I believe that riders with levels above 14 and who has a good nature will vote No,'' I said this because pilots to levels below 14 and not so easy to get this much Uridiuns but for other riders with advanced levels is very easy to get Uridiuns 45,000 or more.

    So Say We All
  2. Buongiorno,

    chiudo e archivio.
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