UFFICIOSO: DarkOrbit Revealed

Discussione in "Archivio di tutto il resto" iniziata da -~Morgana~-, il 11 settembre 2015.

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  1. Si l'ho notato anch'io.
    Come alieni sono una fregatura da fare (convenienza 0).
    Aspettiamo le quest che offrirà, come nell'evento scorso.
    A Janez91 e вℓυєтнєℓєgєи∂ piace questo elemento.
  2. Nuovi design per droni:

    Droni Spartan
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    "I laser e i missili avranno tempo duri con il design per doni Spartan! Ogni drone Spartan aumenta i danni e l'HP dell' 1%. Se tutti i tuoi droni hanno il design Spartan equipaggiato, riceverai un ulteriore 10% di scudo e un ulteriore 5% di HP."

    • + 1% danni per drone.
    • + 1% di HP per drone.
    • + 10% di scudo in più, se è equipaggiato su tutti i droni.
    • + 5% di vita in in più, se è equipaggiato su tutti i droni.
    • Craftabile richiede un Hercules, un Havok e cristalli scissi.

    NOTA: "Il progetto Spartan è disponibile dopo la conclusione del portale Kronos"
    NOTA: Una volta acquisito il progetto, resta permanentemente nell'Assemblaggio.
    A ***POLIZIA***[VEGA] e KingEmanuele13 piace questo elemento.
  3. quindi 10% danni ( se uno ha 10 droni)
    15% HP(1%per 10 droni e il 5% per il set)
    10% scudo per il set

    Appena equipaggiato il design fornisce il 15% di potenziamento scudo in più; una volta che TUTTI i droni saranno equipaggiati con l'Hercules, godremo di un potenziamento HP del 20%.

    sono come dei hercules depotenziati del 5% scudo e 5% HP ma hanno un 10% del Havok, secondo me convengono, ma l'estetica è oscena ....
    A Janez91 piace questo elemento.
  4. Come sapete, domani inizierà il calendario solare (simile al calendario natalizio)
    perciò, per chi è curioso di sapere cosa contiene questo calendario eccovi il contenuto completo ;)

    Vortice del terrore

    Entra nell'abisso!

    Attenzione! Attenzione! Hai il coraggio di affrontare il Vortice del Terrore, pilota?
    Entra nel diabolico Vortice del Terrore e combattere un nuovo nemico, come il Revenant Slender che cercano di entrare nei regni umani a banchettare la loro energia dell'anima. Una serie di fantastici premi può essere vinta, così come una nuova serie di missioni, aiuta Nyx a scoprire i misteri del passato.

    La vendetta Revenant

    Il portale si basa sul GG Zeta (solo di aspetto delle mappe) ed a differenza degli altri portali, presenta diverse vie di uscite:


    Revenant Slender




    Tra le altre novità avremmo nuovi design "POISON", "BOREALIS" and "ARGON":

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Nuovi design P.E.T.:
    Argon Mirage P.E.T. Design (Argon Mirage)

    Make your P.E.T. glow like a neon sign in the inky darkness of space with the Argon Mirage P.E.T. Design. Clearly showing you fear no-one and are ready for business.

    Argon Cyborg P.E.T. Design (Ar-CyD-PET)

    The Argon Cyborg P.E.T. Design will enhance your appearance as you fly into battle. Often a distraction with its neon colors, this P.E.T. is there to keep you safe against the starry backdrop.

    Argon Hammerclaw P.E.T. Design (Ar-HaClD-PET)

    It's Hammertime! Give your Hammerclaw P.E.T. a mean streak with another of the Heavy Steel series, the Argon Hammerclaw P.E.T. Design. Show no mercy as you enter the fray.

    Legendary Mirage P.E.T. Design (Legendary Mirage)

    Bring the taste of victory to the battlefield when you're accompanied by the Legendary Mirage P.E.T. Design. A taste of a bygone age of adventure and exploration.

    Ultima modifica: 22 giugno 2017
    A ***POLIZIA***[VEGA] piace questo elemento.
  6. ωöяяч

    ωöяяч User

    servono a sparare di piu?
  7. no credo siano puramente estetici tutti, cambiano solo i colori
  8. Quanti bug ci saranno appena questo evento inizierà? Proviamo a scommetterci sopra, probabilmente vinceremo qualcosa!!
  9. ჯXჯ

    ჯXჯ User

    Nuovo Galaxy Gates? mmm speriamo non sia una cantonata come il Kuiper, che non da assolutamente un bel niente.
    Il Kuiper purtroppo non paga i 215.000 uri, conosco persone che ne hanno fatti 7 di fila e non li hanno pagati, quindi che fregatura.
    Cmq tornando a questo nuovo Galaxy Gates, non si sa ancora i premi che darà alla fine? Parlo di punti Esperienza, Onore, Uridium e x4?
    Cmq i designe per la Solage e per la Venom saranno solo su assemblaggio, come anche i designe per i pet, di cui quello giallo non è poi così male.
    Certo, come ogni aggiornamento che va fatto, il server si popola sempre più di nuovi lag e bug, come se quelli attuali non ci bastassero.
  10. Per ora non ci sono novità.
    Sto tenendo d'occhio sul canale ufficiale di Discord per sapere le novità.
    Comunque rimani aggiornato. ;)
  11. Comunque i nuovi desing per la solace e la venom sono imbarazzanti, fanno veramente schifo...
  12. Calendario solare di Luglio:

    Nuovi design UAV:

    Ultima modifica: 4 luglio 2017
    A 777ak10, ***POLIZIA***[VEGA] e MikIchnusa82 piace questo elemento.
  13. Cattivone

    Cattivone User

    Nelle news invece si legge altro

    Quindi quale delle due?

    C'è un laser LF4 HyperPlasmoid o no nel calendario solare di luglio?
    Lasciamo le "anticipazioni" a chi è del giro ;)
    Ultima modifica: 1 luglio 2017
    A KingEmanuele13 e MikIchnusa82 piace questo elemento.
  14. Probabilmente, quando hanno fatto copia e incolla si sono dimenticato ti cancellare quel dettaglio, ma per questo mese niente LF4 :(
  15. Evento Dominion/Demaner

    Quest dell'evento:
    Gleaning the Cube

    Pilot, our analysis suggests that the Cubikon should have come and gone from this sector. I appreciate that this isn’t that case and so we are prepared to award a special title to any of you who are willing to make a stand, destroy this enemy and then return. We’re asking for a lot but the rewards are worth it.

    Purge the Protegit

    Time to get into space and remove the alien problem before it grows larger. They say the Protegit breed faster than the old rabbits of Earth, so best take some time out and make sure they’re history. We know we’re asking for a complete annihilation of their numbers but, to be honest, they deserve it and the rewards. They’re good!

    Interceptor Irritant

    The Interceptors have become a huge problem in our sectors. They seem to simply arrive out of the id, causing destruction and chaos to our shipping lanes. To that end it’s time to close down their operations by wiping a vast number of them out. A lengthy task which will be rewarded in full. As you can see.

    Annihilation Anthem

    When our activities are at the lowest, the Annihilators seem to see this as an opportunity to move in. Returning to territory, we liberated from their clutches. If you take this patrol mission and clear the path for our vessels then we’ll be more than grateful. The number of kills is high but the rewards are worth it.

    Silent Sabotage

    With the number of Saboteurs on the increase, it has become vital to clear their number, aiding our faction and acting to support humanity. We never know when the next raiding party will enter our space so if you make sure you keep their numbers down the rewards will be worthwhile.

    Unlimited Uber

    You’re the pilot we wanted. Control has reported that the Uber Protegit have become an increasingly troublesome problem, leading other Protegit here because they see their leaders as strong. Prove to them they’re weak to humanity. Wipe a good number out, then return here for your prize.

    Time to prove your worth and eradicate any enemy ships that are out there. Yeah, any factional influence you find, that’s not ours, can die. It helps us establish ourselves as the dominant force in the galaxy and clearly teaches the rest of them a lesson. Wouldn’t you say?
    █ : mmo - █ : eic - █ : vru

    Redouble Your Efforts

    Friends. With all that is happening we see it as our duty to show our strength to all. Capturing the beacons and ensuring that we broadcast the might of the MMO above all other words, so that our followers gain strength from our unity. Others hearing our declaration of ‘Union is Power’ as a clarion call to battle.

    All members of the EIC and pilots of the imperial order. It is essential that in these trying times we show our way of cultured life is one to be nurtured, rather than spurned. To that end, we wish to ensure our word goes out amongst the stars. Delivering hope to all through the beacons, used by our enemies for their own ends.

    Ah, confederate. You heard our call and returned to fight by our side. What a glorious day for the VRU but by aiding us further we can simply make everything better. If you can seize the beacons, allowing us to broadcast our message of the future further than before. Transcending the dirt of the other factions.

    One of Us!

    You’re part of our team, pilot. A strong and dependable part of this well-established, strong industrial powerhouse. The warbond is merely a symbol of your dedication to our cause. A brand to be proud of as we move forward and establish dominance. When you return we will explain more of our creation.

    We respect your ability and work ethic, pilot. You keep this work up and you’ll certainly be picked to sit at the top table with the chosen of the imperial order. Allowing us to establish strong propaganda to ensure the other factions take heed. Showing where they fail we are ‘Bound for Victory’. A slogan that is true from our birth.

    By being part of the VRU you simply gain our trust, allowing us to all improve as a species. And isn’t improving what it is all about. If we want to ‘Transform the Future’ we need to accept the past and move on. Not be stuck in some perpetual downward spiral like the MMO and EIC. The signs were already there.

    Kristal Curse

    If it hadn’t been for the Kristallon, Mars would have surely become the dominant planet in the solar system. However, the ‘help’ they provided to the United Earth Force only caused them to meddle with forces they didn’t understand. Drawing us into a direct conflict with the accursed Sibelon and the Three-Day War.

    Yet Earth would be dominant if it were not for the Kristallon! Seemingly peaceful but granting us technology they didn’t even use and throwing us into combat with the Sibelon. Both alien races who clearly wished to see us destroyed to seize our resources. Attempting to do so in the bloody Three-Day War!

    When the Kristallon came, we simply failed to heed their words. The United Earth Force becoming a symbol of that lack of understanding and some of their number distracting the aliens in order to use the gate recklessly and come directly into contact with the Sibelon. The cause of the Three-Day War and our rise.

    Three Days of Hell

    The events of that war took their toll, Comrade. The Sibelon battling their way to Earth and obliterating the Pacific Ocean in one attack. The crew of the Prometheus, with many brave Martians aboard, ending the battle by sacrificing themselves in the gate the Kristallon had provided. Leaving a vacuum!

    Even with the United Earth Force in charge at the time it was clear the Sibelon saw Earth as the only potential target in the solar system. To be honest it tells much of the lack of structure of the other worlds, as they struck the heart of the Pacific, only to be stopped by brave Earthmen on the Prometheus.

    Clearly the Sibelon had no qualms with what was happening on Venus, as they never came this far. They only targeted the corrupting influence of Earth, as they breezed past Mars without resistance. Venusian scientists on the Prometheus identifying the new Sibelon threat and sacrificing themselves and the station to stop it.

    Original Sin

    First came the EIC, somehow thinking they should be dominant, due to the deep scar which had been cursed on the Earth. Yet Mars stood up to their oppression. Battling back their forces in a series of powerful revolts. Forming the MMO under the banner of Willem Cuper and the idealists who worked on his manifesto.

    So with the collapse of the UEF it left us, the EIC to form and take control of Earth. Being the first industrial faction to be able to muster the forces, even though our home was scarred beyond belief. Taking a stand for all of humanity and leading them forward towards a new dawn. A new history of freedom and exploration.

    At the end of the war, it was clear a new direction needed to happen. The sickening destruction leading to the formation of groups and organizations who hated aliens, rather than trying to embrace the technology they used and better ourselves through it. Adapting to the enemy rather than using sticks and stones!

    Command and Control

    Unleashed from the tethers of the EIC, the MMO, grew into the industrial backbone of humanity. The true place for humans to flourish within a union of power. Uniting pilots, like yourself, with the very personnel who built their ships. Making all equal under one banner. A banner of might and control.

    Whilst we were working on helping all, with each knowing their place, the insidious forces on Mars and then Venus ceded from our organization. The MMO far too socialist, not understanding the need for levels of authority and the other. The VRU wishing to corrupt our very core with alien DNA, a twisted evil like no other.

    We certainly proved our point to the EIC as they tried to stamp out their authority. Utilizing this alien technology for our own to bring down their defenses and put them in their place. Using the technology to develop new systems and support our economy, making sure that the VRU was a symbol for excellence.

    Status Quo

    With the recent attacks against the rim of humanity, the destruction of M.A.S.Q.U.E. It becomes clearer and clearer that we need one faction to take control of humanity and lead us forward. The MMO clearly being the power you should trust. It is your place to ensure our name is blazing across the stars.

    However, we need to be careful when expanding. The attack and destruction of M.A.S.Q.U.E. caught us unawares and there are clearly other forces operating out there. What better time to prove that there should only be one organization in charge of all humanity. Only the EIC has this clear direction!

    Yet it is important to remember our place. With M.A.S.Q.U.E. destruction, we suddenly became aware that the clumsy actions of the other factions had spiraled us into a hidden and secret war. Perhaps of their own making. Only the true leadership of the VRU and our acceptance showing how humanity can change.

    Out of the Woodwork

    We’ve been too quiet and passive and that is going to end. With new organizations forming, as older ones are grabbing for power, it is truly time to put an end to all these internal squabbles. Ensuring we’re all fighting for the same cause. Battling for a more egalitarian form of humanity, where each of us knows their place.

    With that organization and others, past and present, seeming to be oozing from the woodwork it is time to take a stance. The imperial forces of the EIC are the only uniting factor that can bring humanity together. Whilst some of those may need some gentle conditioning to remove influences, we are willing to help!

    The risks of another power struggle are too great. Humanity needs to come together and show the aliens we can adapt to their means or battle as strongly as they can. The attacks on the Rim are symbolic of an invisible enemy and allow all types of misguided groups to form, hoping to take a slice of the action.

    Faction Friction

    Unlike the EIC, who are simply obsessed with Earth and their imperium, and the VRU who seem to want to use the alien DNA they discover to mutate our beautiful species beyond the natural. We here at the MMO see humanity as a powerful force that can break down barriers and reach beyond the stars.

    Clearly, pilot, you see the EIC as the means to an end. Your status within our organization is only due to rise and with that your influence. As the meek are there to serve and the leaders, like yourself, are there to set an example for the VRU, MMO and others. The EIC and the imperial order are the only ones you should follow.

    When the dust settles, it will become clear to humans that the VRU is the only choice. If we adapt to the new technology, which can mean enhancing ourselves, we simply become better. We become stronger and as a race, we establish our position in the galaxy. It is far better to be something rather than nothing. Don’t you agree?

    No One Leaves

    The warbond is a symbol of your support. A banner to show who you are with, allowing us to guarantee that no-one leaves for any questionable motive. Therefore, we can keep track of all the members of our faction and make sure they stay safe and don’t slip from the path. The path of the MMO!

    When people join us then we will add them to our warbond. Protecting them from outside influences of others and ensuring we can trace their actions, so they become examples of the EIC. Strong and staunch members of the one faction that can lead us out of this mess. Preparing humanity for a new imperial glory.

    To that end, the warbond between us is strong. It shows we all act clearly for the same faction. We all sing under the same banner and we all strive for the same future under the banner of the VRU. We can keep an eye on our valuable assets and support them through their endeavors. A noble cause you’ll agree.

    You’re the Threat

    That was not a threat, it is our strength, pilot. A warbond means you become the threat. Seizing beacons in our name and destroying the force of the other factions. It means we can start a peace process, which will bond humanity together under the MMO. Once and for all

    You represent the sum of the EIC. The might of our imperial forces and our action across the galaxy in the name of humanity. You’ve proven yourself more than worthy of the honor we bestow upon you. Knowing the warbond merely makes you stronger as a part of us. So seize beacons and destroy the enemy.

    As what we have now is anarchy. You are the one who can bring the order through your skills as a pilot. Like a hammer on glass, you can smash the opposition. Seize the beacons and destroy their forces to show them the technology of the VRU is the one they should all adhere to. Let’s dominate this galaxy.

    Nuovi titoli:
    • Cubikon Gravekeeper
    • Unstoppable Force
    • Immovable Object
    • Hidden Hunter
    • Lord of Death

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    A .-Verbatim-. piace questo elemento.
  16. Inventatevi anche il design per i motori e gli scudi mi raccomando
  17. ωöяяч

    ωöяяч User

  18. Nuovi design per la... Nemesis?

    Attenzione: La nave in questione "Nemesis" doveva essere rilasciata nel 2016, poi non venne mai rilasciata, molto probabilmente fu sostituita dalla nave attuale Mimesis. Infatti i codici delle immagini sono stati rilasciati erroneamente nel XML visto la somiglianza dei nomi.

    Nemesis - Poison

    Nemesis - Argon
    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Nemesis - Ocean
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Nemesis - Legend
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Design della Mimesis.

  19. killer01

    killer01 User

    io non capisco perché la gente si fissa per i design estetici, non servono a mio avviso a un bel niente, uri e soldi buttati.
    A MikIchnusa82 piace questo elemento.
  20. Prima vi lamentate del fatto che il gioco è diventato pay-to-win, ora non vi va bene se rilasciano design che sono puramente estetici, cosa che lo fanno in tutti i giochi, e voi sicuramente ci spendete su questo.

    Se non vi piace questo gioco, ci sono altri giochi ancora più pay-to-win di questo, dove potete sprecare i vostri soldi. :p
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