UFFICIOSO: DarkOrbit Revealed

Discussione in "Archivio di tutto il resto" iniziata da -~Morgana~-, il 11 settembre 2015.

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  1. Raider89

    Raider89 User

    Calendario interessante. Cosa riguarda quel 25%? Non capisco il russo.
  2. Siamo al 01.02.2018 e anche questo mese un bel nulla di fatto.

    Tra l'altro è diventato inutile anche aspettare il calendario
  3. per gli utenti premium 25% di sconti nello shop
  4. Ieri nella live hanno detto che cominceranno con 2 server tra 2-3 settimane e che poi a turno inizieranno con gli altri. Ovviamente non hanno dato nessuna data precisa precisa, ma solo indicazioni.
  5. nero.xam

    nero.xam User

    In realtà hanno detto "a inizio marzo" xD
    comunque ogni mese lo rimandano, significa che (a differenza di quello che dicono) non è pronto lo script.
  6. Lo script è pronto, te lo dico da Beta Tester, lo ho anche visto in atto (tentativo di unione di due Test Server). L'unico problema sta nel fatto che prima di implementare lo script devono essere risolti alcuni problemi di codice che potrebbero decisamente devastare la stabilità del gioco.

    Se avete notato, in queste due settimane stanno venendo a galla molti bug / glitch e, mano a mano, gli Sviluppatori li stanno risolvendo: questi bug / glitch vengono a galla a causa delle sistemazioni e preparazioni del codice del gioco in vista dell'esecuzione dello script.
    Abbiate pazienza, appena il "sistema" sarà pronto per sopportare l'esecuzione dello script inizierà la famosa "fusione", se questa procedura venisse fatta su un sistema instabile sarebbe un disastro.
    A ☠§ΔMU§-ĐØĈ☠[VEGΛ] e Raider89 piace questo elemento.
  7. il prossimo calendario si sa quale sarà?
  8. Mi fa scompisciare dalle risate la tua affermazione, sono anni che nuotiamo nei bug e se mai li rosolvono ci impiegano tempi biblici(altro motivo per cui ho mollato il gioco) quindi inizio a pensare che la fusione non avverrà mai ......sono anni che attendo per provare almeno a fare un giro in mappa e tutto quello aggiunto o modificato non mi farebbe di certo tornare a giocare la base del gioco ormai è snaturata dovrebbe essere fondamentalmente un pvp ma per essere un minimo competitivo ci vogliono anni a gratis(io ne ho impiegati 2 spendendo il vip regolarmete e qualche pacchetto allìoccorrenza )o migliaia di euro e per rimanerci la musica non cambia di molto visto che ci vogliono sempre munizioni varie e potenziamenti aspettando le novità sempre a caro prezzo giustamente.
    A 777ak10 e patavium piace questo elemento.
  9. non si sa niente di nuovo ? così un po ci si annoia :((
  10. Qualche news, (divido in 2 messaggi per questioni di limiti di scrittura e numero immagini)

    These first 5 Cyborg designs seem to be those payment designs that will probably at least be able to buy during the Space Cup event coming up*, the other 3 are maybe not related to the event but who knows. In case don't already know the Space Cup event seems to be planned to start 14th of next month, according to that video the community managers did instead of a live stream(@3:00-3:55~).

    <item name="items_deal_spacecup_firestar_fullname">Firestar Cyborg Pack</item>
    <item name="items_deal_spacecup_firestar_description">Get the limited edition Firestar Cyborg and 5 days RM-B00 Booster right now!

    They've each got a payment deal like that, there is also a "full package" deal which contains all 5 Cyborg designs and 30 days of that booster. At least an "RM-B00" booster already exists which is an event point booster, so sounds it like it will just boost the amount of "points" you get.

    (DarkOrbit Discord server #general_en)

    <item name="items_deal_spacecup_fullpackage_short"><![CDATA[Space Cup Full Design Pack]]></item>
    <item name="items_deal_spacecup_fullpackage_description"><![CDATA[Get all five Space Cup Cyborg Designs - Firestar, Starscream, Celestial, Maelstrom, Sunstorm. Plus, you get a massive 30 Day RM-B00 Booster too! Wow!]]></item>

    <item name="items_recipe_blueprint-2hbooster-rm-b00_fullname"><![CDATA[RM-B00 Blueprint]]></item>
    <item name="items_recipe_blueprint-2hbooster-rm-b00_description"><![CDATA[Get a 2 hour RM-B00 Booster!]]></item>

    (seems maybe will be able to get it from Assembly as well, at least by that client text which was added around same time as this stuff)

    Firestar Cyborg design
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Attack your enemies with the Firestar Cyborg, coming out of the inky darkness like a valkyrie and slaying all that lie in your path!

    Starscream Cyborg design
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    They say when they made the first Starscream Cyborg a nearby sun went nova, the energy bathing the design in the last screams of the dying star!

    Celestial Cyborg design
    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Cyborg designs don't come as mystical as the Celestial Cyborg. Apparently the plans were simply found on a computer, and no-one knows how they got there!

    Maelstrom Cyborg design
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    When the Kappa V base was destroyed in a maelstrom, the only design which survived intact was the Maelstrom Cyborg. Can you handle her?

    Sunstorm Cyborg design
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Bring the sun to someones day, bathing your enemy in fore. The Sunstorm Cybord is a powerful blast of future technology. Live it!

    The other 3 Cyborg designs that don't seem to be "complete", atleast yet:
    Harbringer Cyborg design

    Seraph Cyborg design

    Dusklight Cyborg design

    Following seems to be how the Mayhem box will look, a "space cup winner" effect and that new ammo* for the Space Cup event.

    Mayhem box(2D client)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Space Cup winner effect(2D client)
    <item name="ttip_mayhem_box">Grab a Mayhem box every time a goal is scored in the Space Ball Mayhem Mode.

    That ammo on 2D client(without/with Bounty Hunter on Skill Tree/Bio)


    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    (Backpage shop "images" for the ammo)

    *That ammo seems to be called "Cosmic Class A" but there is also B, C, E etc to H, basically multiple ammo. Also seems the damage of each "letter ammo" can vary depending on something.

    To reduce space I'll put some further info in a spoiler:
    (from DarkOrbit's Discord server, #general_en)

    "tooltip description" of that ammo:
    <item name="items_ammunition_laser_spacecup_group-h_tooltip_description"><![CDATA[The Cosmic Class H Ammo, boosted by the success of Colombia, Japan, Poland or Senegal in the competition!]]></item>

    Each ammo/group "letter" says the same apart from they say different countries/teams.

    Other letters for anyone curious:
    The Cosmic Class A Ammo, boosted by the success of Egypt, Russia, Saudi Arabia or Uruguay in the competition!

    The Cosmic Class B Ammo, boosted by the success of Iran, Morocco, Portugal or Spain in the competition!

    The Cosmic Class C Ammo, boosted by the success of Australia, Denmark, France or Peru in the competition!

    The Cosmic Class D Ammo, boosted by the success of Argentina, Croatia, Iceland or Nigeria in the competition!

    The Cosmic Class E Ammo, boosted by the success of Brazil, Costa Rica, Switzerland or Serbia in the competition!

    The Cosmic Class F Ammo, boosted by the success of Germany, South Korea, Mexico or Sweden in the competition!

    The Cosmic Class G Ammo, boosted by the success of Belgium, England, Panama or Tunisia in the competition!

    *Unless stated otherwise what I post is indirectly from a test server.
    A SirTΞK®VΞGΛ piace questo elemento.
  11. Secondo messaggio--

    Carbonite Cyborg drone design

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    The Carbonite Cyborg Drone is as rough and ready as its ships rogue pilot, prepared for battle and on the hunt. Those who own one are tough, wily and just a little bit dangerous!

    Carbonite Hammerclaw drone design
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Steel yourself for battle with the tough Carbonite Hammerclaw Drone design, giving this popular drone an even more dangerous edge!

    All-New Apocalypse Action

    Desirable Drone Designs

    The Apocalypse Box has been refreshed with the epic Carbonite Cyborg and Hammerclaw Drone Designs.

    Craft 1 Key with 20 Scrap (Saimon/Mordon), 10 Aurus (Pirate NPCs) and 5 Schism (Galaxy Gates), or buy packs of 5 to 155 keys in the shop

    Dealing in Drones!

    The following is what's at least currently listed as the rewards for obtaining points in the Space Cup event(from a text file that's for the in-game event window):

    RewardPoints required to unlock
    Group A* and RSB-75 ammo
    (unknown amounts)*
    1 LF-45,000
    40 Indoctrine Oil10,000
    12,000 Seprom25,000
    Group A, RSB-75 ammo and
    an Hyperplasmoid LF-4

    The "amount" it lists for the first and last reward is just "1" which seems to just be referring to say a package, instead of said stuffs "actual amount".

    (also remember that "Group A(etc)" ammo is the special PvE focused ammo that can get/buy during the event)

    Raw text(just spaces added):

    <reward packageid="package_event_progress-spacecup01" packageItemIds="ammunition_laser_spacecup_group-a,ammunition_laser_rsb-75" itemShowTimeInSec="3" amount="1" unlockRequirement="1000"/>

    <reward lootid="equipment_weapon_laser_lf-4" amount="1" unlockRequirement="5000"/>

    <reward lootid="resource_collectable_indoctrineoil" amount="40" unlockRequirement="10000"/>

    <reward lootid="resource_ore_seprom" amount="12000" unlockRequirement="25000"/>

    <reward packageid="package_event_progress-spacecup03" packageItemIds="ammunition_laser_spacecup_group-a,ammunition_laser_rsb-75,equipment_weapon_laser_lf-4-hp" itemShowTimeInSec="3" amount="1" unlockRequirement="50000"/>

    I imagine it will probably just be similar to how it was like for the Hatching Out event, as in once get 50,000 points can "reset" to be able to get the first reward again etc. The amount it at least currently lists for the reset cost in that text file is 5,000 Uridium.

    Some more text that's for the Space Cup in-game event window:
    Space Cup!

    Be a part of the action! Join the Space Cup and get a chance to win a selection of amazing rewards! Use your piloting skills to achieve the best score!

    Get Points through Winning Matches and Missions!

    Quest text that's listed for the Space Cup event:
    Box of Delights

    Hello pilot, been a while since we talked. About time you do some proper company business and help us take control of the galaxy once more. To that end we need you to collect some boxes and deal with any alien threats whilst you're out there!

    Progress makes Perfect

    Hmmm. You seem to have got a little shabby. That wasn't as efficient as we expected so we've got something else for you to do. Taking action now will esnure that the company stands strong and our ideals are maintained. As our ideals are the only ones that matter!

    Four Year Deal

    So, it's time to test your mettle. Get out there and undertake the action we're demanding of all our pilots. See this as a test during the Space Cup, one which will set your standards for the next four years. Are you ready to take action? We thought so!

    Collecting Chaos

    We need some resources collected. Not only for your own benefit but to prove your progress in the company. In the future this status may be something you'll want to brag about, and if you're bragging about the work for our business, we'll be backing you.

    Rise to the Challenge

    As events unfold it's clear that our company has had a major impact in clearling the other threats from the galaxy. We haven't heard anything of those other powers who were threatening us. Therefore it's clear our actions, and yours are valued!

    Hard and Heavy

    This next one's a challenge we think you'll be able to undertake. Just keep your eyes out for enemeis and hit them hard and heavy when you're completing the action. With this cleared, then we can start to discuss your future!

    Waiting Game

    Time to play a waiting game. We need to see how the other companies are reacting to our actions. We feel they've not got much going for them. But. In turn it's time for us to have our lone gunman head out and deal some damage!

    Right Time

    Seems this is the right time to take action. It is the right time for us to rise, and this Space Cup is the ultimate chance for this to happen. Whilst some companies look at this as a bit of fun, we see it as a professional affair. Do so too!

    Become a Legend

    Now's the chance for you to become a legend in this company. There are few pilots we'd pass this opportunity on to, and this is your chance to be that pilot. You understand what we're saying. Go fight!

    Test of Time

    Yes pilot, that's right. You simply get out there do damage and gain experience. Then our media teams will make sure the best pilots success is broadcast out into the ether. Standing the test of time!
    A SirTΞK®VΞGΛ piace questo elemento.
  12. Finalmente qualche News :D
  13. Purtroppo hanno tolto i 40 olio con 10k punti :(
  14. gAia1972

    gAia1972 User

    Peccato per le mappe nuove. Il modo migliore di far rivivere darkorbit era metterle in 4/4
    A 777ak10 piace questo elemento.
  15. lamariolal

    lamariolal User

    I piloti che sono almeno di livello 22 e hanno completato la missione dei 16.500 saboteur potranno sbloccare una alla volta 100 missioni speciali:
    Quest 1: "Trust is Expected"
    • Destroy Kristallon: 300
    • Destroy Lordakium: 450
    • Collect Promerium: 48.000

    Quest 2: "Shatter Zone"
    • Destroy Kristallin: 800
    • Destroy Lordakia: 2.000
    • Damage Uber Battleray: 50.000.000

    Quest 3: "Wolf at the Door"
    • Destroy Boss Kristallon: 100
    • Destroy Boss Kristallin: 230
    • Visit enemy x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 4: "Blighted Times"
    Complete in order:

    • Visit enemy x-2 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Visit enemy x-6 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy Blighted Kristallon: 460

    Quest 5: "Conversion Theory"
    • Destroy Blighted Kristallon: 230
    • Destroy Blighted Gygerhrall: 500
    • Collect Hybrid Alloy: 1.200

    Quest 6: "Influence!"
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate GG γ: 1
    • Destroy Kristallon: 300
    • Visit enemy x-7 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 7: "The Mind was Loose"
    • Collect an assembled Immunizer CPU Blueprint from the Assembly: 1
    • Destroy Viral Kristallon: 4
    • Collect Indoctrine-Oil: 2

    Quest 8: "Dead Direction"
    • Damage enemy players: 4.000.000
    • Collect Prometid: 120.000
    • Damage NPCs: 10.000.000

    Quest 9: "Under our Palm"
    Complete in order:
    • Destroy Kristallin: 700
    • Travel to 4-5 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy Uber Kristallin: 100

    Quest 10: "Ways Forward"
    • Destroy UberKristallin: 30
    • Destroy UberKristallon: 30
    • Destroy UberLordakium: 70

    Quest 11: "T-88 Days"
    Complete in order:
    • Collect Prometium: 2.000
      • on enemy x-1 map
    • Destroy Annihilator: 300
    • Collect Palladium: 1.500

    Quest 12: "Temptation!"
    Complete in order:
    • Travel to 5-1 map
    • Destroy Saboteur: 1.200
    • Travel to 5-3 map

    Quest 13: "Moving Day"
    Complete in order:
    • Destroy Interceptor: 1.200
    • Collect Palladium: 1.000
    • Collect Prismatium: 100

    Quest 14: "Heart of Humanity"
    Complete in order:
    • Complete Galaxy Gate GG κ: 1
    • Fly back to Mission Control
    • Damage enemy players: 5.000.000

    Quest 15: "End of the Rim"
    • Collect Enduridium: 5.000
      • on enemy x-3 map
    • Destroy Sibelonit: 600
    • Destroy Boss Sibelonit: 200

    Quest 16: "Evacuation"
    • Damage Uber Barracuda: 10.000.000
    • Destroy Saboteur: 500
    • Destroy Barracuda: 300

    Quest 17: "Odds and Ends"
    • Destroy Interceptor: 1.000
    • Destroy Battleray: 100
    • Collect Palladium: 700

    Quest 18: "Authority is Nothing"
    Complete in order:
    • Destroy Deadly Battleray: 50
    • Collect Palladium: 2.000
    • Visit enemy x-8 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 19: "Signs of Strain"
    Complete in order:

    • Collect Palladium: 1.200
    • Visit enemy x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Collect Enduridium: 50.000

    Quest 20: "Warborn"
    • Travel to 4-5 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy Uber Battleray: 20
    • Destroy Uber Interceptor: 200
    • Damage Uber Barracuda: 20.000.000

    Quest 21: "Falcon Flight"
    • Destroy Lordakia: 1.500
    • Destroy Saimon: 2.000
    • Destroy Mordon: 1.000

    Quest 22: "Returning Glory"
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate GG λ: 1
    • Destroy Boss Saimon: 200
    • Destroy Boss Mordon: 100

    Quest 23: "Rogue Elements"
    Complete in order:
    • Collect Prometid: 50.000
    • Collect Enduridium: 30.000
      • on enemy x-4 map
    • Collect Palladium: 1.000

    Quest 24: "Nightmares Unbound"
    Complete in order:

    • Damage Devolarium: 100.000.000
    • Visit enemy x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Visit enemy x-8 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 25: "The Old Ways"
    • Destroy UberDevolarium: 100
    • Destroy UberSibelon: 100
    • Collect Prometid: 50.000

    Quest 26: "New Path"
    • Destroy UberSibelonit: 80
    • Destroy Sibelonit: 500
    • Damage UberDevolarium: 400.000.000

    Quest 27: "Heard it Before"
    • Collect Terbium: 500.000
    • Destroy Lordakium: 400
    • Destroy Boss Lordakium: 100

    Quest 28: "Getting Out There"
    • Visit enemy x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Collect Terbium: 30.000
      • on enemy x-4 map
    • Destroy UberStreuner: 300

    Quest 29: "Silent Majority"
    • Destroy Streuner: 300
    • Visit enemy x-1 map
      • to coordinates: 107/67
    • Collect Prometium: 30.000
      • on enemy x-2 map

    Quest 30: "The Bigger Question"
    Complete in order:

    • Complete the Galaxy Gate Kupier Gate: 1
    • Destroy Protegit: 2.000
    • Travel to home x-8 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 31: "Hiding in Plain Sight"
    • Collect Mucosum: 100
    • Destroy Lordakia: 2.000
    • Collect Palladium: 1.500

    Quest 32: "Sensor Sweep"
    • Damage UberLordakium: 300.000.000
    • Destroy UberLordakia: 200
    • Damage Boss Lordakium: 100.000.000

    Quest 33: "Fruitless Search"
    • Destroy Sibelonit: 600
    • Collect Prometid: 2.000
    • Destroy Boss Sibelonit: 200

    Quest 34: "Lock and Key"
    Complete in order:
    • Destroy Sibelonit: 500
    • Visit enemy x-5 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy Boss Lordakium: 120
      • on enemy x-5 map

    Quest 35: "Hidden Hand"
    • Collect Prismatium: 30
    • Destroy Boss Lordakium: 200
    • Collect Mucosum: 15
      • on enemy x-5 map

    Quest 36: "Bolt Hole"
    Complete in order:
    • Visit enemy x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy UberSibelonit: 320
    • Travel to home x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 37: "Stepping Out"
    • Destroy Sibelonit: 600
    • Destroy Boss Lordakia: 250
    • Collect Prometium: 100.000

    Quest 38: "Delta Force"
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate GG δ: 1
    • Collect Scrap 20
    • Damage UberSibelon: 40.000.000

    Quest 39: "Persecution Prologue"
    • Collect Endurium: 50.000
    • Visit enemy x-3 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy Lordakia: 3.000
      • on enemy x-3 map

    Quest 40: "Strike When It's Hot!"
    • Damage enemy players: 5.000.000
    • Destroy Lordakium: 400
    • Destroy Boss Lordakium: 120

    Quest 41: "Words of Authority"
    Complete in order:
    • Destroy Interceptor: 1.000
    • Destroy Saboteur: 600
    • Collect Palladium: 600

    Quest 42: "Lords of War"
    Complete in order:
    • Destroy Annihilator: 300
    • Destroy Uber Annihilator: 60
    • Travel to 5-3 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 43: "No Mistakes"
    Complete in order:
    • Collect Prometid: 50.000
    • Collect Duranium: 50.000
    • Collect Prometium: 2.000
      • on enemy x-1 map

    Quest 44: "The Pan is Mightier"
    Complete in order:
    • Visit enemy x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Travel to 5-3 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy Battleray: 1.000

    Quest 45: "What's more, What's Less!"
    • Destroy Vagrant: 1.000
    • Destroy Marauder: 1.000
    • Destroy Outcast: 600

    Quest 46: "In Life We Trust"
    Complete in order:
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate GG ε: 1
    • Destroy Corsair: 500
    • Destroy Annihilator: 900

    Quest 47: "Forgetting the Non-Essential"
    • Collect Prometid: 30.000
    • Destroy Deadly Battleray: 50
    • Collect Palladium: 2.000

    Quest 48: "The Enemy Within"
    • Damage Century Falcon: 500.000
    • Collect Duranium: 30.000
    • Visit enemy x-8 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 49: "A Cross to Bear"
    • Destroy Interceptor: 1.000
    • Travel to 5-2 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Collect Palladium: 1.500

    Quest 50: "Associated Matters"
    • Destroy Vagrant: 400
    • Destroy Outcast: 200
    • Damage Century Falcon: 40.000.000

    Quest 51: "Loyal Citizen"
    • Collect Plasmide: 20
    • Destroy Sibelon: 400
    • Destroy Boss Sibelon: 120

    Quest 52: "Test of Freedom"
    • Visit enemy x-3 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy Sibelon: 1.000
    • Destroy Devolarium: 200

    Quest 53: "Wise Word Never Caused Harm"
    • Destroy Boss Devolarium: 150
    • Collect Endurium: 30.000
      • on enemy x-1 map
    • Collect Prometium: 30.000
      • on enemy x-1 map

    Quest 54: "Ready or Not"
    Complete in order:
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate GG α: 1
    • Travel to home x-6 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Visit enemy x-6 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 55: "Loyality is Key"
    • Collect Terbium: 40.000
    • Destroy UberDevolarium: 100
    • Collect Prometium: 30.000

    Quest 56: "Test of Strength"
    • Damage UberSibelon: 4.000.000
    • Destroy Boss Sibelon: 200
    • Damage UberKristallon: 20.000.000

    Quest 57: "Order to Conform"
    • Destroy Sibelon: 200
    • Destroy Devolarium: 300
    • Destroy Boss Devolarium: 100

    Quest 58: "Finding Facts"
    • Destroy Saimon: 2.000
    • Collect Scrap: 200
    • Destroy Sibelonit: 1.500

    Quest 59: "Penultimate Operations"
    • Collect Terbium: 30.000
    • Travel to 5-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Collect Palladium: 3.000

    Quest 60: "Emergency Redirection"
    Complete in order:
    • Travel to 4-5 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy UberSibelon: 200
    • Travel to home x-8 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 61: "The End of Sense"
    • Destroy Kristallin: 700
    • Destroy Boss Kristallin: 200
    • Collect Prismatium: 60

    Quest 62: "Snow Globe"
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate GG δ: 1
    • Destroy Protegit: 2.200
    • Damage Kristallon: 10.000.000

    Quest 63: "Flakes of the Truth"
    • Collect Scrap: 100
    • Collect Prismatium: 150
    • Destroy UberSibelon: 150

    Quest 64: "War for Salvation"
    • Damage Blighted Kristallon: 20.000.000
    • Visit enemy x-8 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy Boss Kristallin: 300

    Quest 65: "Repeated Terror"
    • Destroy Blighted Gygerthrall: 40
    • Destroy Boss Kristallon: 100
    • Collect Duranium: 60.000

    Quest 66: "Clarity of Purpose"
    • Destroy Boss Kristallon: 100
    • Destroy Boss Kristallin: 200
    • Visit enemy x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 67: "A Howling Voice"
    • Collect Palladium: 1.000
    • Destroy UberKristallon: 120
    • Collect Prismatium: 60

    Quest 68
    : "The Heart of Destruction"
    Complete in order:
    • Visit enemy x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Collect Prometium: 40.000
    • Damage enemy players: 5.000.000

    Quest 69
    : "Repeating the Past"
    Complete in order:
    • Destroy Lordakium: 300
    • Visit enemy x-8 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy UberLordakium: 100

    Quest 70: "Reality Bites"
    Complete in order:
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate GG δ: 1
    • Destroy Kristallin: 1.000
    • Destroy UberKristallin: 100

    Quest 71: "T-28 Days"
    • Collect Mucosum: 50
    • Destroy Kristallon: 600
    • Collect Prismatium: 50

    Quest 72: "Administering History"
    Complete in order:
    • Damage Uber Battleray: 100.000.000
    • Destroy UberKristallin: 200
    • Travel to home x-8 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 73: "Dangerous Distraction"
    • Destroy Protegit: 4.000
    • Collect Promerium: 50.000
    • Collect Duranium: 50.000

    Quest 74: "Project Rebirth"
    Complete in order:
    • Destroy Century Falcon: 5
    • Visit enemy x-8 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Damage enemy players: 2.000.000

    Quest 75: "Seeded"
    • Collect Palladium: 700
    • Destroy Annihilator: 300
    • Destroy Saboteur: 600

    Quest 76: "Hard Target"
    Complete in order:
    • Visit enemy x-8 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy Kristallon: 200
      • on enemy x-7 map
    • Destroy Kristallin: 500
      • on enemy x-6 map

    Quest 77: "Fake News"
    Complete in order:
    • Destroy Blighted Kristallon: 200
    • Destroy Blighted Gygerthrall: 40
    • Collect Indoctrine-Oil: 5

    Quest 78: "Worse Still"
    Complete in order:
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate GG ζ 3: 1
    • Collect Scrap: 20
    • Travel to home x-1 map
      • to coordinates: 107/67

    Quest 79: "Political Insurgents"
    Complete in order:
    • Collect Plasmide: 30
    • Visit enemy x-3 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Collect Scrap: 90
      • on enemy x-3 map

    Quest 80: "Mind Palace"
    • Damage Emperor Kristallon: 1.000.000
    • Destroy Kristallon: 300
    • Damage UberKristallon: 50.000.000

    Quest 81: "Cold Call"
    Complete in order:
    • Destroy UberSaimon: 100
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate GG α: 1
    • Destroy UberDevolarium: 200

    Quest 82: "Out of the Dark"
    • Destroy UberMordon: 200
    • Damage UberDevolarium: 20.000.000
    • Destroy UberSibelonit: 200

    Quest 83: "Blood Feud"
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate GG β: 1
    • Destroy Kristallin: 1.000
    • Collect Prismatium: 100

    Quest 84: "On the Brain"
    Complete in order:
    • Visit enemy x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Visit enemy x-3 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Visit enemy x-6 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Visit enemy x-8 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy StreuneR: 3.000

    Quest 85: "Making Sense"
    • Destroy UberLordakium: 50
    • Destroy Boss Lordakium: 200
    • Collect Mucosum: 40

    Quest 86: "Night of Pain"
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate GG γ: 1
    • Destroy Devolarium: 700
    • Damage Uber Battleray: 40.000.000

    Quest 87: "Clever Acts"
    • Collect Palladium: 1.000
    • Destroy Interceptor: 2.000
    • Destroy Annihilator: 200

    Quest 88: "Scorned"
    • Damage Cubikon: 100.000.000
    • Collect Scrap: 30
    • Destroy Protegit: 1.000

    Quest 89: "Death Comes Past"
    Complete in order:
    • Destroy Protegit: 3.000
    • Travel to home x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Collect Prometium: 10.000

    Quest 90: "Regroup"
    Complete in order:
    • Destroy Kristallin: 600
    • Destroy Kristallon: 300
    • Travel to home x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67

    Quest 91: "T-8 Days"
    • Collect Prometium: 30.000
    • Destroy Kristallin: 1.200
    • Collect Prismatium: 40

    Quest 92: "Escapades on a Wire"
    Complete in order:
    • Travel to home x-6 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Collect Terbium: 30.000
    • Damage Cubikon: 32.000.000

    Quest 93: "Token Action"
    • Destroy Sibelonit: 1.000
    • Collect Terbium: 50.000
    • Destroy Kristallon: 300

    Quest 94: "All Your Systems"
    Complete in order:
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate GG Kronos: 1
    • Visit enemy x-8 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy enemy players: 500

    Quest 95: "Like All Humanity"
    • Collect Hybrid Alloy: 1.000
    • Destroy Kristallon: 300
    • Collect Prismatium: 50

    Quest 96: "Back in the Bosom"
    Complete in order:
    • Damage Gygerim Overlord: 1.000.000
    • Visit enemy x-1 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Collect Prometid: 20.000

    Quest 97: "What Will it Be?"
    • Destroy Boss Sibelon: 150
    • Destroy UberSibelon: 60
    • Collect Plasmide: 100

    Quest 98: "Last Resort"
    • Destroy Uber Annihilator: 100
    • Collect Palladium: 1.000
    • Damage Cubikon: 50.000.000

    Quest 99: "We Live in Your Nightmares"
    Complete in order:
    • Collect Endurium: 100.000
    • Visit enemy x-6 map
      • to coordinates 107/67
    • Destroy Protegit: 2.000
      • on enemy x-6 map

    Quest 100: "Compromising Invasion"
    Complete in order:
    • Complete the Galaxy Gate Compromising Invasion: 1
    Le missioni danno la seguenti ricompense:
    Da X1 a X9:
    Experience: 800.000.000
    Honor: 375.000
    Uridium: 3.000

    Honor: 20.000.000
    Uridium: 13.000

    Ulteriori ricompense per le X0:
    10: 300x EE
    20: 30x Indoctrine Oil
    30: 1x Infinite Cyborg
    40: 40x Indoctrine Oil
    50: 1x LF-4 Paritydrill
    60: 60x Indoctrine Oil
    70: 1x LF-4 Magmadrill
    80: 60x Indoctrine Oil
    90: 1x LF-4 Hyperplasmoid
    100: 1x Cyborg Scourge & 1x Hammerclaw Bane
    Le missioni e le ricompense sono state pubblicate originariamente dagli utenti D.O.D™VRU e Fandrall! del forum inglese, io mi sono dovuto sorbire solo qualche problema di formattazione :D
    Ultima modifica: 15 gennaio 2019
    A VoDKA_UTubE piace questo elemento.
  16. ci stavano pure qua da un bel po
  17. lamariolal

    lamariolal User

    Il massimo che ho trovato è stato un link in una discussione archiviata, ma può essere che non abbia cercato bene.
  18. Cattivone

    Cattivone User

  19. La nuova nave è un qualcosa di osceno esteticamente D:
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